
de.theirs - core


ipv6-only network for personal, non-profit use


in case of abuse or bad routes, please reach out to the noc

to say hi, talk about peering, or request resources, we have a Discord community



200242, 100, 70 learned from transit
90 route server
110 peer
130 downstream
149 self (k8s)
150 self
110, ___ as___
120, 4930 in ber-c1
4969 fra-e1
4420 lon-e1
4421 lon-e2
4680 sto-e1
4722 osl-e1
1929 nyc-e1
1848 nyc-e2
1416 yto-e1
1913 mci-e1
130, 34307 via nl-ix
35920 houix
36090 f4ix
40542 kcix
46389 stlix
47498 fogixp
51818 gpc
57369 onix
202409 locix fra
200242, 200, ___ localpref := ___
200242, 301, 0 prepend 1x
302, 0 2x
303, 0 3x
___ to as___
200242, 600, 70 not to transit
90 route servers
110 peers
130 downstreams
666, ___ as___